Dry needling is a therapeutic procedure that’s similar to acupuncture (but still different!). It involves using very thin needles to stimulate different areas of your musculature, to alleviate pain, spasms and soreness.
If you’ve got a nagging spasm or pain that’s preventing you from working out or living your life, dry needling could offer immediate relief. Combined with stretching, you could walk away feeling loose, limber and spry, ready to tackle your workout or the day ahead of you!
- Most people see an immediate reduction in pain, up to 50-75%!
- A majority of people find their pain is 100% alleviated after just three sessions.
- The whole process, from setup to stretching, takes just 15-30 minutes.
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"I Transformed My Body AND Life With Conquer Fitness..Really!"
I’ve been going to Conquer Fitness for about a year and HAVE LOST 49 POUNDS! I’m stronger and really pleased with my results and fitness level.
I turn 50 later this year and my new goal is to take a picture with my shirt off and not be embarrassed. It’s Happening!
Continuing to work out at Conquer and eating right I’m on the way!
"I've Lost 35 Pounds, Feel Younger, And Have Tons More Energy!"
I was out of shape and so tired of intermittent fasting and the Keto diet, that I thought I was destined to stay fat.
Since joining Conquer Fitness I’ve lost 35 pounds and I’m eating more than twice the calories than I was before I started. I feel younger and I have more energy. I like the classes because the only person I am competing with is myself.
"I now have the CONFIDENCE to wear what I want"
I can fit into ALL my jeans again! I feel much fitter and stronger that I have ever before!
I now have the CONFIDENCE to wear what I want, and my life has become much more ACTIVE and HAPPY!
"In The First 30 Days, I've Lost 11 Pounds AND FEEL GREAT!!"
I used to get tired, I could not run at all. Now my body feels fresh..like an athletic strong body.
I just turned 40 and wanted to cut down my body fat and imrpvoe my energy levels.. In the first 30 days, I’ve lost 11 pounds AND FEEL GREAT!!